Monday, August 10, 2009

Timeless Laws

1. Monism.
Also called the Advaita in Hindu philosophy. There is only one, philosophical, spiritual, physical or by any school of thought.

2. Duality.
Also called binary opposition by some.
Corollary: Multiplicity.

3. Only one thought an instant.
The mind can only think one thought at any given point of time. Refer to a Turing machine in Computer Science. The read/write head is the human mind, which also has a state at any instant of time. The mind reads thoughts in the abstract world, and depending on its current state, does either of the following actions:

a. Change to next state of mind as a function of current state of mind and current thought.
b. Move to another thought in space depending on current state of mind and current thought.

Worry is a result of less than perfect functioning of the mind. Due to its momentum or maya or something that I am unaware of, the mind goes into infinite loops most of the time. This 'seemingly' eternal repetition is termed worry. "Awareness" is meeting the exit condition. People end a worry when they realize or are aware of their repetitive and fruitless worry.

4. I don't know.
Called by different people as The Veil, or Maya, or something else. This is the finest line that divides the absolute from the relative, the positive from the negative, the eternal from the transient, the good from the bad, the right from the wrong, the limited from the unlimited, the knowledgeable from the ignorant, God from human, the soul from the body, and so on. "Every soul is a circle whose circumference is nowhere, but whose center is located in the body." I don't know is the circumference of the circle that is the soul, because it is always changing with space, time and state of the mind.

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