Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Proof that God exists

Since language is ever-changing and all philosophical debate is an interplay of words and language, I concluded that what everyone is looking for lies neither in philosophy, nor language.
And then, I questioned God himself and questioned myself. I found that the answer, independent of my belief, is invariably, the Purpose of Life, as I shall prove below.

I shall discuss everything and draw all my conclusions based on only one premise, or as a mathematician would say, axiom - which is this:

There is a single purpose to all life.

This statement can only be either true or false. (The validity of THIS statement will be examined later.)

If it's true, either the purpose has to exist for itself, or it has to exist for all life. If the purpose exists only for itself, but not for all life, it has to be a part of all life, because we just assumed that all life has a single purpose.

If it's false, it means that there is no purpose to all life, and life itself becomes that purpose, because then life has to exist for itself. This proves that life exists with itself as its own purpose, proving that there exists a single purpose to all life, which is itself, coming back to our premise.

Opponents of this argument will say my logic is false, but since everyone has, at some point, questioned the definition of logic itself, proving that Absolute Logic does not exist, which is also a conclusion of my first paragraph - Language has no true meaning.

Now, I ask you to either question the whole thing for yourself, or to blindly follow the only logical conclusion of this premise, which is duality. We have proved that there is a purpose to all life, whether or not you followed my logic. Since it's true, every clause in the dichotomic pair of paragraphs becomes true and false at the same time. The purpose is both true and false, which are the two halves of the Purpose, proving that the Purpose exists in two forms, but we are only calling them by two different names, that merely sound like opposites. Because these two halves or forms can be called by any two names, it doesn't matter what we call them, but the essence of this argument is proving duality. Duality can be expressed in an infinite number of forms, depending on the context or the subject under discussion.

The Purpose is called by different names by different people and this is often a cause of disagreement. All philosophical/existential debates often center around these disagreements, and lead to strife and further disagreement. This disagreement is one of the infinite causes of human suffering, which I shall examine later, because I have work to do now.


  1. ...all philosophical debate is an interplay of words and language...Yes, but there is a component of logic in it as well.

    ...what everyone is looking for lies neither in philosophy, nor language.Yes. These are the tools to see what one is seeking :)

    ... There is a single purpose to all life.How did you come to this premise, in the first place? Does it not sound like "zero is the only number in the world"???

    ... This statement can only be either true or false. This statement can be true for certain people, false for certain people!

    ... If it's false, it means that there is no purpose to all life, ...If it is false, it can mean that there can be multiple purposes as well.

    ... Language has no true meaning.Another controversial statement!!!


    Looks like finally you landed in "dvaita". According to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, a seeker transcends from "dvaita" to "advaita".


    Let me read your argument again, I fear I might have missed some part or the other of it!

  2. The moment you broke down the post into discrete parts, it lost its meaning. That's proof that God exists, again.
