Thursday, April 30, 2009

Afraid of starting a relationship?

To two strangers passing by each other on the street, a smile is the Basis. To a couple who got married by arrangement, their parents and society are the Basis. To a couple who fell in love with each other, a strong foundation of friendship is the Basis. To two classmates finishing a project assignment, their coursework is the Basis. To two Professors in a department, their Head of the Department is the Basis. To two Professors in the same University, the Dean is the Basis.

I think now you can begin to see that this list is never-ending, and that a Basis can always be found for any two entities. That brings us to the only question everyone is trying to find an answer for:

To two people who have never met each other before, and who don't know anything about each other, what is the Basis?

My answer to that question is this. The Basis is either You, or God.

The Basis is what you fall back to, when you are afraid. Afraid of talking to a stranger? Smile, and he will smile back. That proves that you two just formed a basis, and bonded. Afraid of your marriage falling apart? Fall back to whatever formed it. Talk to your parents. Talk about your parents to each other. Afraid of approaching a classmate you have a crush on? Fall back to the basis - talk about your classwork, the Basis. Most guys that fallback to the Basis fear being stuck in the Basis itself. To those, my answer is the only Basis, as I said before - You, or God.

Questioning my entire Basis? Very good. You are very close to the solution. If you don't believe in God, it means the only Basis that's left, and you can fall back on, is You. If you are not satisfied with the answer, the only thing I have left to say to you is this:

You have a serious problem, because you don't believe in yourself.

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