Thursday, April 30, 2009


I think it's very easy to understand Freud's work if his concept of physical desire is interpreted as material desire. People are outraged to hear and read him talk about his ideas about human life, because what he says is the "primary motivational energy of human life", is commonly treated as a silent taboo in many cultures around the world.

Since this social rejection of his theory is based on social rejection of his most important idea, people find it hard to discuss or understand his work. Critics of his work, like Carl Jung, can understand his work more easily by taking into consideration Freud's atheism, and the fact that the falsifiability of a theory does not disprove it, as Karl Popper argued against.

The only cause of the current World-wide Economic Depression

Everyone wants to blame someone for the Depression. Some blame the company that laid them off, some blame the people that blame the Depression. Some blame others that harmed them in some way, and some blame the people that are blaming them for the Depression.

Few realize that the Cause is either Themselves, or Blame itself. The One that blames himself is the one that steps out of it first, because Acceptance is the first step towards all solutions. Not satisfied with the answer? Then question Blame itself. Since you can never find Blame because you find it everywhere, you have to conclude that it exists either everywhere, or nowhere. This logical fallacy implies that Blame is an Illusion, and the Thomas Anderson that realizes the Matrix of Blame is keeping him trapped in itself, becomes the Neo and steps out of Blame, finding that the true cause of the current Depression is himself.

A Hierarchy of Knowledge

Knowledge is a Virtue, and virtue is its own reward. Therefore, the source and destination of everything is Knowledge, and all radii of the circle of everything diverge from Knowledge.

The universal law of Duality implies that Knowledge splits itself into Knowledge and You. This means that the next branch of the tree of Knowledge is You. The name of this branch shall be called Psychology. Since You can split Yourself into Yourself and the remaining humans in this Universe, the next branch is Social Psychology. Since all humans can split Life into all biological life in this Universe, the next branch is Biology. Since all life is manifestation of Matter, the next branch shall be called Physical Chemistry. This leads to a dichotomy of Physics and Chemistry, and that's where I close the circle of everything onto itself - Knowledge.

Afraid of starting a relationship?

To two strangers passing by each other on the street, a smile is the Basis. To a couple who got married by arrangement, their parents and society are the Basis. To a couple who fell in love with each other, a strong foundation of friendship is the Basis. To two classmates finishing a project assignment, their coursework is the Basis. To two Professors in a department, their Head of the Department is the Basis. To two Professors in the same University, the Dean is the Basis.

I think now you can begin to see that this list is never-ending, and that a Basis can always be found for any two entities. That brings us to the only question everyone is trying to find an answer for:

To two people who have never met each other before, and who don't know anything about each other, what is the Basis?

My answer to that question is this. The Basis is either You, or God.

The Basis is what you fall back to, when you are afraid. Afraid of talking to a stranger? Smile, and he will smile back. That proves that you two just formed a basis, and bonded. Afraid of your marriage falling apart? Fall back to whatever formed it. Talk to your parents. Talk about your parents to each other. Afraid of approaching a classmate you have a crush on? Fall back to the basis - talk about your classwork, the Basis. Most guys that fallback to the Basis fear being stuck in the Basis itself. To those, my answer is the only Basis, as I said before - You, or God.

Questioning my entire Basis? Very good. You are very close to the solution. If you don't believe in God, it means the only Basis that's left, and you can fall back on, is You. If you are not satisfied with the answer, the only thing I have left to say to you is this:

You have a serious problem, because you don't believe in yourself.

The Argumentative Scientist

There was once a Scientist who was very knowledgeable in his field of Biology. He achieved the Nobel Prize and celebrated the rest of his life with immense wealth and happiness. But, he was also notorious among his peers for being very arrogant, argumentative and a steadfast Atheist. He was the firmest believer of Logic and Reason I have ever known, and that played a huge role in his successful career.

And then, he came to my University. I was responsible for showing him around campus, taking him out for dinner, and dropping him off at the house of another Biologist at my University.

After dinner, we were walking together from the University to the Biologist's house and it was dark. During casual conversation, we strayed into metaphysics and religion, science and art, and similar philosophical debate about the mind-body duality.

He asked me, "Do you believe in God?", to which I said, "Yes." He then said, "If God is merciful and compassionate, how come my wife left this world a year ago, and I have to suffer such emotional loss and distress? Why am I being so tortured for no fault of my own?"

I said to him, "He is helping you learn.", to which he responded, "Fuck off, you are just being argumentative! I have seen endless debates full of circular and illogical reasoning in my whole life, and it's full of logical fallacies, to the point of stupidity! I can spend EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY, till the end of my life, deconstructing every single argument, and proving each of them wrong!"

I remained patient and calm. I thought, "So he needs proof."

I told him, "I am sorry for being so insensitive. I am sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is, because one of my own aunts died in a fire accident, and she was one of my eight favorite aunts."

We continued talking and we were almost at the end of our walk. I asked him if there has ever been a mugging incident on his University campus, and if anyone was hurt. He said he not only knew of such cases in his own town, there have been numerous such mugging and armed robbery incidents in the US because of the current economic depression. He told me a story about a mugging incident where an old woman robbed a college student, threatening him with a Swiss Army Knife.

I then said to him, "Yeah, the sale of Swiss Army Knives should be regulated in hardware stores, and by local authorities."

I then went on to say to him, "It's dark now, and we are very close to campus. There have been reports of mugging late at night, and it gets less safer, the darker the sky turns. Let me tell you one thing before I leave you. It's completely plausible that a guy could walk up to the two of us, pretending to seek directions, but instead take a knife out of his jacket, and rob the two of us this instant. But, I don't see any guy walking up to us, and I can hardly think of such incidents when I go home every night, after a hard day's work, when all I want to do is fall into my bed and go to sleep."

I can see the house we were going towards, a couple of blocks away.

I continued, "Let me tell you what I am thinking right now. EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY I don't get mugged, is God's way of showing his mercy and compassion to me, even though I have experienced multiple losses in my relatives and personal life, for no fault of my own. I know everything in life does not go by logic or reason, because Logic itself is flawed in many senses."

He opened his eyes so wide I thought his eyeballs were going to pop out of his sockets, when he said, "You are the greatest philosopher I have ever seen in my life!"

I told him, "No, I am not. I am no different from the infinite number of human beings and creatures on this planet, and it's illogical to assume that I am better than any other philosopher or being I know about."

He had a look in his eyes that bordered on reverence and immense respect for me, and then I called the other Biologist on his mobile, asking him to buzz open the front door.

I told the Scientist, "Good luck with your life. I am sure you will find someone that deserves a world-famous biologist like you." He thanked me and we bade goodbye to each other.

I have the answer to ALL questions

Object: I claim to have answers to whatever question you can ask me.
Subject: What's the volume of Mount Everest?
Object: I don't know.
Subject: Doesn't that contradict your original statement?
Object: No it does not. "I don't know" is my answer.
Subject: You are stupid.
Object: No, I am not, I am simple.
Subject: Can you prove it to me?
Object: Yes. When I said I don't know, you were thinking, "That's not the answer to my question.", but you were talking about my self-contradiction, because the answer you are truly seeking is the true answer. I am true in saying I don't know, because I actually don't. The argument you were trying to make, is called "Ad hominem", because you were trying to prove me wrong instead of finding the volume of Mount Everest.

To find the volume of Mount Everest by asking me questions, you will have to work WITH me, instead of AGAINST me. That only proves that you are working against yourself, due to which behaviour, you will never find the answers to any of your own questions.

Self-realization and Self-actualization

Those enlightened beings who have achieved self-realization, but haven't actualized themselves, are the ones that are tirelessly working towards self-actualization and self-transcendence. This unfinished business they are trying to finish has to be seen as a bliss and suffering in itself, one of the dual principles of self-realization.

Unified Field Theory

A Unified Field Theory can never be found, unless it addresses the basic problem of human suffering. If this theory has to address the problem of suffering, it must address fear and desire, which is the cause of all human suffering. Physicists who work on this Theory rarely stray into the metaphysics or the problem of suffering. Since those who realize the theory of everything have found answers to all their questions from their own lives, the majority of Physicists who can never find this theory, are trapped, and have to be left safe in their own traps. Like Prahlad was denied universal transcendence for his first wish, these Physicists can never find a Unified Field Theory, and therefore, I give up working on it.

Now, reason is the best tool any scientist can possess, and his sincerity keeps him from ever finding this Unified Field Theory. If this scientist is truly sincere, he must admit that reason alone cannot Unify all the Fields of Physics. I have found that reason is a tool and the object itself, and reason can be very easily used to get in and out of reason itself.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Proof that God exists

Since language is ever-changing and all philosophical debate is an interplay of words and language, I concluded that what everyone is looking for lies neither in philosophy, nor language.
And then, I questioned God himself and questioned myself. I found that the answer, independent of my belief, is invariably, the Purpose of Life, as I shall prove below.

I shall discuss everything and draw all my conclusions based on only one premise, or as a mathematician would say, axiom - which is this:

There is a single purpose to all life.

This statement can only be either true or false. (The validity of THIS statement will be examined later.)

If it's true, either the purpose has to exist for itself, or it has to exist for all life. If the purpose exists only for itself, but not for all life, it has to be a part of all life, because we just assumed that all life has a single purpose.

If it's false, it means that there is no purpose to all life, and life itself becomes that purpose, because then life has to exist for itself. This proves that life exists with itself as its own purpose, proving that there exists a single purpose to all life, which is itself, coming back to our premise.

Opponents of this argument will say my logic is false, but since everyone has, at some point, questioned the definition of logic itself, proving that Absolute Logic does not exist, which is also a conclusion of my first paragraph - Language has no true meaning.

Now, I ask you to either question the whole thing for yourself, or to blindly follow the only logical conclusion of this premise, which is duality. We have proved that there is a purpose to all life, whether or not you followed my logic. Since it's true, every clause in the dichotomic pair of paragraphs becomes true and false at the same time. The purpose is both true and false, which are the two halves of the Purpose, proving that the Purpose exists in two forms, but we are only calling them by two different names, that merely sound like opposites. Because these two halves or forms can be called by any two names, it doesn't matter what we call them, but the essence of this argument is proving duality. Duality can be expressed in an infinite number of forms, depending on the context or the subject under discussion.

The Purpose is called by different names by different people and this is often a cause of disagreement. All philosophical/existential debates often center around these disagreements, and lead to strife and further disagreement. This disagreement is one of the infinite causes of human suffering, which I shall examine later, because I have work to do now.