Monday, March 15, 2010

Asking someone to join you

If you want someone to go somewhere with you, there are two approaches you could follow (that I know of). You could say:
  1. "I going to such and such place. You can join me if you want to."
  2. "Do you want to go to such and such place with me?"
The first approach seems to work better in some situations, based on my experience, than the second one. The first says, "I am going there whether you come with me or not, but I would like you to join me." The second says, "I will go to this place only if you join me. Otherwise, I am not going."

The former shows confidence, individuality, care and respect for the person you are inviting. Compared to this approach, the other one only shows that you will simply do what others do and have no strong will, desire or opinion of your own. Also, please note that the validity of my assertion varies very much depending on the person you are asking, the place you want to go to, who you are in relation to that person and most importantly, why you might be asking that person to join you.

Do you have other approaches that you think work more often than these?

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