Thursday, March 25, 2010

A gift

It's the most valuable thing one could have received in life — a critical mind. It must be used consciously, like anger, because it can be both a tool or a weapon. Use it right, it will bend the strongest of wills; use it wrong, it will break the stoutest of hearts.

A critical mind can be used to see through people. It can penetrate almost anything in the world. The best results are achieved when it turns upon itself, when the mind examines itself critically.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Others are just mirrors

Sometimes, what you think of yourself
is what they will think of you.
The other times, what others think of you
is what you think of yourself.

Separate one from the other
and dignity will be yours forever.
Mix them all up, then get out
of self-pity you will never.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Asking someone to join you

If you want someone to go somewhere with you, there are two approaches you could follow (that I know of). You could say:
  1. "I going to such and such place. You can join me if you want to."
  2. "Do you want to go to such and such place with me?"
The first approach seems to work better in some situations, based on my experience, than the second one. The first says, "I am going there whether you come with me or not, but I would like you to join me." The second says, "I will go to this place only if you join me. Otherwise, I am not going."

The former shows confidence, individuality, care and respect for the person you are inviting. Compared to this approach, the other one only shows that you will simply do what others do and have no strong will, desire or opinion of your own. Also, please note that the validity of my assertion varies very much depending on the person you are asking, the place you want to go to, who you are in relation to that person and most importantly, why you might be asking that person to join you.

Do you have other approaches that you think work more often than these?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I come from a distant land,
I don’t fall under any category.
You must try to associate with me,
because my life is a total allegory.

Proxy for the root language?

I heard (when a protagonist of a movie said it in an accusatory tone) that money is the language one most easily understands. I laughed at it as I listened, but I realized something just yesterday. I have been trying to find a way to explain my thoughts in a more forcible language to the common man and what I think is more vigorous than simple English (or a simple version of any language, for that matter) is the language of finance and economics.

Since it's a known fact that insurance firms put a price tag on human life and even happiness (whether it's true or false; accepted by people or not), I personally think it's a better way than just trying to verbally (or even philosophically) explain the truth hidden in our daily lives.

I used to detest/hate the finance industry for no logical reason (maybe the fact that it's just money-based), but if there is one reason I would be interested, this would be it. The financial advisory project I am currently working on, I should say, came as a blessing that brought me to this realization.

Next chapter in finance? Maybe I should find a financial (or economical :)) way to quantify human emotions, primarily, anger.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Random thoughts

Why should you watch the road while you could just watch the vehicle in front of you instead?
Because if you hit the road, you won't fall on the vehicle in front of you.

What happens if you open your mind to a fool?
He throws his stupidity into it.