Sunday, January 27, 2008

Please don't want!

I might be repeating thoughts from the post "Love and marriage" before, but I want to write this post, because I want to think straight. I think well when I talk to someone or I write things down. So, here I go:

I realize that it's perfectly possible to live with a person you have never known before, for the rest of your life. A small example: How do roommates live together? Do they not fight with each other, but yet adjust even for a a duration of a couple of years? There is proof for this, Indians realize it: They get married and then fall in love. Love is not essential before marriage. What is essential is the ability to adjust and sacrifice things for the one you love. Where love exists, hatred exists there - every coin has two sides. What half the Americans do is they divorce when that hatred pops up in at least one of their hearts. In my opinion, if they still stick together long enough, they can begin to love each other again. Since love didn't last long before they hated each other, that hatred will not last long too, they only have to wait it out. Love seems beautiful, and then they get married. Hatred and problems are ugly and hard to cope with, and they get divorced. That's how half the people live here. Now I begin to think that marriage and divorce are two sides of the coin of "a life together". Oh! Another point - If you WANT to get married, you should be ready for a divorce - "Desire brings misery" seems true everywhere. Then how do Indian people get married? I got it! It should happen by itself. You should not look for someone to get married to. What Indians do is let their parents find someone for them. They don't even ask their parents to find someone for them. Now, THAT seems right! The concepts of divorce and love marriages are FOREIGN to the Indian people. Maybe this is what is one of those things that are bringing the rich tradition of India down. Indians don't divorce because divorce doesn't solve the problems you face in marriage. It only helps you escape. What guarantees you that you will not be in the same situation again if you marry someone else next? Nothing. What will you do then? Maybe you will realize then, that divorcing is a waste of time, and a big pain in the neck and adjust with your second spouse for the remaining part of your life. My first husband, my second wife, etc are terms that make me sick to the stomach. I don't want to hear such stuff. Makes me want to go back to India and settle there for ever.

I might speculate on what kind of person is going to marry me, but that will only crank up my desire to get married, which I don't want to have now. Remember, marriage must happen by itself. Don't want it! What will I do if someone approaches me? Tell her to ask my parents :) Haha! That obviously seems stupid, but it's deep, going by the explanation I have given above.

What a realization! In this perspective, relationships are a waste of time. Valuable time you can spend doing other important things to develop your personality and character. A person dies, but his character remains. What defines a person is his character but not always his job.

Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am right, but these are my thoughts and hence I am.

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