Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jamuna Hostel Night 2007


That was the best hostel night I have been to in these four years. I will always remember the efforts we all put in for four days to create the Fourth wing video, the new steps I learned that night when we danced to the DJ, all the scribbles on those white T-shirts, the food and ice-creams by Dhabba Express and all the memorable moments and events that happened this semester. I never felt I would be taking good memories out of IITM until yesterday.

Though I wasn't a resident of Jam, most of my best friends were there and that was where I felt home in IITM, much more than in Tapti.



  1. You... No Tapti patriotism?!

  2. I didn't feel home in Tapti, the only hostel I liked was Jam, because most of my close friends were in Jam. The only friends I had in Tapti were you and Sriram, and you used to go on very different activities and I got bored like hell in Tapti.

  3. Now that you ask about patriotism, I feel very different about the whole concept of Patriotism itself, now that I have seen and been in two countries at least. I will develop my thoughts on the topic and create a post about it some time...will update you about it as well...
