Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hi Plato!

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." - Plato, 3rd Cen BC, Greece. - This was quoted in a manifesto. I don't know if manifestos are allowed to contain advertisements and quotations.

"The main job of a Branch Councillor is to talk!" - This was what he said to me when he came for campaigning. I almost decided immediately whom I should vote for. He proposed to establish a department library.

I asked him, "Have you talked to any department Prof about the possibility of beginning a library?"

"I am coming to that point."

I couldn't see how. He jumped straight to E2A fest. Well, he didn't actually jump to it, he assumed it was going to happen because he had made a schedule for it already. Actually, he made a schedule for the entire academic year."I will buy books for the library from the money that gets left over after the E2A fest, and that precludes the need to talk to a prof completely!"

"WOW!", I thought. Vitto would have given a zero for this derivation because since the first step itself is wrong, the entire derivation is wrong.

Now, I have absolutely decided whom I should vote for. I will show no discrimination based on age in voting. I won't abstain from voting either.

"I have done my homework. I hope you vote for me!."

I agree with you on one point. You did do your homework. A lot of it, I must say. But, I think you have failed to understand the meaning of the phrase "doing your homework". All you did was understand the meaning of the word "homework", Laddie!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Why the name "Hi Plato"?

    I had similar feelings (as this blogger of course) when he talked to me, not answering my questions but talking about he having shaken hands with some CEOs! I had to control myself when this talking-Branch-Councilor aspirant considered Magma to be a not-so-great company. The way he tried to apologize for this when he learnt that I got placed in there, and the way he said "Oh, I explained all that to Vamshi just now" when I asked him to explain me some point in his manifesto, ... in his newly learnt non-Indian English accent are unforgettably awful.

  3. Well, he was pretending to follow the footsteps of Plato, by quoting him, wasn't he?
