Thursday, March 29, 2007

Will you for sure to join us?

The following justification is meant for the one who is in support of the grammar behind the interrogative sentence: "Will you for sure to join us?"

The word sure is both an adjective and an adverb. The word surely is also an adverb. The word sure is used as an adjective in both the following sentences:

  1. "Will you for sure join us?" which is the same as "Will you join us for sure?"
  2. "Are you sure to join us?"
Both the sentences are grammatically correct. According to the Oxford Dictionary, there is no way you are above which, explains the usage of the phrase for sure and the idiom be sure to do something in the following extract verbatim:

IDM be sure to do sth used to tell sb to do sth: Be sure to give your family my regards. for sure (informal) without doubt: No one knows for sure what happened. $I think he'll be back on Monday, but I can't say for sure. $One thing is for sure - it's not going to be easy.

In case you don't understand which sentence uses which form, the second one uses the idiom.

And just because an American Professor typed it out in an e-mail to you doesn't make it right, because nobody is perfect. Just like the occasional blunders in your Telugu and Oriya!

Monday, March 19, 2007


  • One stupid cricket fan in Jharkhand threatens to commit suicide if he is not allowed to sell his kidney to get the money needed for a ticket to the West Indies, where the tournament is being held. [Link]
  • Internet restrictions on IITians, detailed news from BBC - [Link]. IBNlive just gave us bits and pieces of information (unlike BBC) and that's when I got so frustrated!
  • Totally ridiculous - Condom drive targets Indian women. [Link]
    First of all, are sex workers legally allowed to exist in India? If not, why are they being helped prevent AIDS and other STDs? If they are, I think that law must be looked into. To quote one of Gandhi (1982) 's, "There are unjust laws as there are unjust men."

    Here you go - I found an article about this on Wikipedia - [Link]. I am not summarizing it here, since the article itself is short. But, the situation is this: Prostitution in India is neither legal nor illegal, but the law is so close, you would think it's illegal. The worst part is that India passed this law only to comply with the 1950 UN declaration in New York.
  • Racing games 'breed' bad drivers.[Link]

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I must change

I recently saw a news item on rediff NEWS when one of my friends passed me the link to the article. It goes like this :

I was overwhelmed by the comments following the article, which ran for five pages and are still increasing. But, around 95% of them criticized Mr. K R Ramakrishnan for such beliefs and Rediff for publishing it. I strongly agree with them, too.

I liked one comment where one quoted a verse from the Quran:


It is perfectly true. Realization and self-change is the first step in the path of success and achievement, or societal change. I said this, in my comment that goes like this:

I strongly agree with many readers who say "Rediff must stay away from publicizing activities and personal beliefs like this and not create such a hype for its own monetary gain or fame!".

But before we abuse Rediff and Mr. Ramakrishnan, I think we must realize that it is WE, the readers, who are publicizing it. Please, let's think. It's big news if the readers are interested in it and talk about it among themselves. For example, you send your friend or relative this link and ask him/her to read it - you are spreading the word. But isn't that what publicity is? You comment on it and express your view for everybody to read and no matter how much your comment opposes the news item itself, you add to the count of readers who are concerned about it, whether your concern is negative, or on an extremely rare occasion, positive. I am sure an ad agency only cares about the number of hits a particular page/news article receives and not about its comment content, even this negative publicity is equally preferred by the media because it's fetching them good money.

Since I firmly believe in action a lot more than I do in words (I believe in words too, which is why I am writing this post), I think the moment that link or article comes to us and we read it, we must put it out of our minds and never talk about it to anybody. We must treat it as if it doesn't exist. If every reader does this, which is a test of people's unity and mass awareness, I think news like this will gradually decay from the media for the sole reason it would otherwise publish it - NOBODY IS INTERESTED IN IT!.

Friday, March 09, 2007


You can see here a tiny piece of Google Search implementation. I found the commands and stuff from Google itself.

Here is the source code in image format. I am very sorry not being able to post it in text format for you to copy easily, but I didn't have time to find out how to display html code using html coding.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hi Plato!

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." - Plato, 3rd Cen BC, Greece. - This was quoted in a manifesto. I don't know if manifestos are allowed to contain advertisements and quotations.

"The main job of a Branch Councillor is to talk!" - This was what he said to me when he came for campaigning. I almost decided immediately whom I should vote for. He proposed to establish a department library.

I asked him, "Have you talked to any department Prof about the possibility of beginning a library?"

"I am coming to that point."

I couldn't see how. He jumped straight to E2A fest. Well, he didn't actually jump to it, he assumed it was going to happen because he had made a schedule for it already. Actually, he made a schedule for the entire academic year."I will buy books for the library from the money that gets left over after the E2A fest, and that precludes the need to talk to a prof completely!"

"WOW!", I thought. Vitto would have given a zero for this derivation because since the first step itself is wrong, the entire derivation is wrong.

Now, I have absolutely decided whom I should vote for. I will show no discrimination based on age in voting. I won't abstain from voting either.

"I have done my homework. I hope you vote for me!."

I agree with you on one point. You did do your homework. A lot of it, I must say. But, I think you have failed to understand the meaning of the phrase "doing your homework". All you did was understand the meaning of the word "homework", Laddie!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Nice try!

Without feeding me basic and taxes bullshit, if you have ever travelled from Hyd to Delhi with that fare, prove it to me and I will humbly apologize and remove this post.

I HATE publicity stunts and cheap tricks!