Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Chaos in my brain...

I can't take it anymore. Can't sit here any longer.

Do you know who your neighbours are? Their names at least? No? How pitiful. Typically citiful you are. Why then do you need a house with neighbours? You could live in a forest just too easily.

The other day Aswin, Anagha and I went to find DKP's house regarding some internship related stuff. We knocked on one of two adjacent doors hoping one of them to be his house. A teen girl came out. Anagha asked - Is this Professor David Koilpillai's house? Or is the next door? Apparently it was not. She didn't know about the ones next door. She called out to her dad," Papa, who lives next door?". I was taken aback. There are people in the world who don't even know their neighbours' names. We didn't grow up like that! We used to play with the neighbouring kids when we were children. We played badminton, we played tag, we played Antakshari. And we are still in touch with them, though we are separated now.

I never thought I'd grow up to hate IITs. They no more appeal to me. I know I am looking at only side of the coin, but that's the only side that's facing up now. This reminds me of something - Buttered bread always falls buttered-side down - One of those Murphy's laws. IIT is like a bird cage, or marriage. Those who are outside want to get in. Those who are inside, want to get out. After coming here, people start thinking about life. That's the only thing some do here. Bachelor of Technology, Life Engineering. Now that I think, why isn't there such a course offered anywhere? That would really help the world, don't you think? Life engineers just a phonecall or a mouseclick away, ready to make your lives better, and eventually make the world a better place.

I like typing. And I type fast. I have only recently mastered the skill of typing without looking at the keyboard. I even use the shift keys without looking.

Nothing in the world waits for you. Only your parents do. Not even your siblings. No, they have their own feelings and opinions. They grow up to become what they want to be. But your parents don't take sides. In case they have to, they stand by what THEY THINK is right for their children, and trying not to hurt the feelings of the other, try to explain.

I used to bloghop, and I still do. But I only knew yesterday from Raja that it was CALLED bloghopping. That kind of thing even exists in Orkut, but I don't know what it's called - profilehopping, or simply hopping, or something. I rarely keep hopping for hours, in fact I have never done so much yet. My eyes ache after a certain number of hops. If my eyes don't, my forefinger does. Some part of my body always does. That's when I take a break.

I once kissed a girl. Nothing to be excited about. She was 8 and she is my sister. But, of course, I do feel like kissing a girl who is of my age and is not my sister.

It's 12 pm and I have to return my paper now. All this happened on an additional sheet I took at 11 am for my Control Systems Endsem.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    the end is interestig..but u must have added ur additional sheet to ur answer sheet..(!)
    wats that sayonara..is it ur chaos extension or extension to our chaos!
