Sunday, October 16, 2011

Time and money

Few people know how to manage their money. Even fewer can actually effectively manage their money. We have all heard the clichè "A penny saved is a penny earned". Our parents and grandparents have endlessly repeated it to us and etched it on the inside of our skulls. Just because the famous Benjamin Franklin said it does not validate it or make the statement more credible than when your father or mother tells you the same thing. The statement is true because of the keen insight it gives us into the fundamental nature of human behavior.

Not a lot of people think in terms of time the same way they think about money. These are the exceptional people who found their way to eternal freedom from stress, frustration and the resulting chaos-filled events in their lives. It's unfortunate that I have not heard of a similar quotation about time that's repeated as often as the quotation that equates a saved penny and an earned penny.

If I had a trumpet and access to sound channels that can carry my voice to willingly-lent ears in the world, I would blow it and yell into these ears, "A minute saved is a minute earned". Time and money are equatable.

Just like when you say to yourself, "I am not going to buy this. It's a waste of money, and I will buy something better with the money I save.", people who have learned to effectively manage their time tell themselves in addition, "I am not going to do this. This is a waste of my time. I will do something better with that time."

Those who can effectively manage both their time AND money are the people who live in heaven while their bodies roam the earth. They inspire us simply by existing, by leadership of example, by resonating with our deepest values, and by speaking the language of heaven translated into the language of the earth.

Let us learn this heavenly method of living a full life and relieve ourselves of stress and frustration. Let us hold on to the safe principles of eternal wisdom they teach us and keep ourselves from falling into the deep chasm of ignorance filled with chaos. Let's not think in terms of money. Let's not think in terms of time. Let us think in terms of time AND money, leading us to live wiser lives.

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