Sunday, February 28, 2010


A language teacher cannot be a writer or a poet for the same reason a mason cannot be an architect.


The more civilized a culture is,
the less wise it actually is.
Oh, forest and desert dwellers!
Lead us to immortality!
We, who are in concrete jungles,
bow to you in real green jungles.
Oh uncivilized, teach us how to live our lives!
Oh brutes, teach us how not to hurt others!

What do I choose?

Do I choose idealism, or do I choose realism? I would instead choose to be the needle point of the balance on which the two isms swing.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Look closer

The wings of the butterfly are beautiful, but only its wings are beautiful.

Inside us

If there's one force within that binds all of us together, it's the force of nature. It's in my nature to talk of natural forces. Naturally, we all try to force one another in to what we think is natural. But, only nature can dictate what is natural and what is not. Each and every one's nature is different by natural design. So there is no necessity to call another unnatural, just because he/she is not like us. If we are natural, they are too.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Every instant

The moment you start liking all weekends
is the moment you start hating all Mondays.

The moment you receive a compliment
is the moment you know that it seems empty.

The moment you are called crazy by them
is the moment you know they think you were right.

The moment you see a clean desk surface
is the moment you know its drawers have filth.

These are the moments that we live by,
but these are the moments we all skip.

Every instant in our lives is such a moment,
because a moment saved is a moment earned.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Not to Confound!

They say when you meet that person
that your heart so fast will pound.

They yell when you fall for that person,
that your mind is wandering around.

But, when I am with you, woman,
both these of mine you astound.

How long will this battle last,
and when will my ship run aground?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

We are all lonely together

  1. Long ago, one of my friends had once complained that all the academic textbooks now read like the authors' blogs and personal opinions and he started complaining heavily.
  2. Finally I realized the difference between empathy and sympathy in one of our training classes: "When you think, you empathize; when you feel, you sympathize."
  3. I heard a great quotation from someone yesterday: "Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people." I knew he was subtly referring to me when he said that, but I had an idea and said, "That's a good quotation, I should note it down!", and he fortunately took it in spirit and told us another one: "The confident says, 'I can do it.', but the arrogant says, 'Only I can do it.'"
  4. I want to write about people referring to their own blogs on their blogs and explaining why they can't post regularly or couldn't write something the previous week, but I wonder how I can do that without being arrogant or hypocritical.
  5. No poems or thoughts come to me as I sit and wait. I think and feel, I sit on my chair and wait. I am still waiting. No poetic emotions come to me. No enlightening thoughts. I wonder if That has forsaken me, either temporarily or permanently. But, I am still aware that I had once a copy of That in my mind and heart, and I know I can find it again and again, every time I lose it. For that is the beauty of That.
  6. You know what I want? I want to learn the key to learn all the languages of the world in one go. Will even learning the root language help me achieve that goal? I guess not, because it's either no longer being used or it's vastly different from modern and current languages. Possibly, even the right answer to "What is that, knowing which, I can know everything?" won't help me with this problem.
  7. I want to not use the words 'right' and 'wrong', 'good' or 'bad' ever, for they are ever so subjective, especially in professional settings. But then, how can I make people understand or even convey my meaning to them if I don't speak their own language? They use it in an introductory or a context-setting sense. Can I set the context using different adjectives and adverbs? I most certainly should be able to: 'extremely abysmal' or 'heavily disappointing' or 'immense room for improvement' could be some setters that I could use. I have no idea: Ich habe keine ahnung.
  8. Coming back to the desire to master all languages, I consider having 'perfected a language' only when I can read and write literature and poetry in that language.
  9. More?

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

What is not being afraid of making mistakes?

People talk about what real courage is all about and explain that it means not being afraid of making mistakes. But all it does is make you wonder how to tell when you about to make a mistake and still want to do it. I just imagined a situation like that:

You have a goal. Sometimes you are working, and when you are free, you think about that goal always at the back of your mind. And some day, opportunity disguised as your friend knocks on your door and shows you 'one' way to your goal. Like all goals, the path is not easy. It's simple but not easy. But since you have nothing better to do in your life than to achieve your purpose, you pursue that goal. On the way, you have to convince someone to let you pass their property, borrow something they have or get them to do something for you and you would pay them for it. They refuse to do it at first. You get angry. There have been countless times this has happened in your life – people refusing to do what you ask them to do, even beg them to do. And still, you argue, request, order, yell, beg or simply ask them to do something for you, knowing not every time whether or not they are going to help you. But not always you are going to be not angry with them. Nevertheless, you are aware that the angrier you get, the less there is chance of persuading them. And so, there are many moments you are angry at them and are arguing about why they should do your bidding.

There it is. You are fully and consciously aware that you are making a mistake by getting angry and arguing. You know you are helpless. You know that you are pushing them away by giving way to anger. There's the mistake. But you see no other way around, because at that moment, that's the only way to your goal you are aware of. So, you make that mistake knowingly. You are not afraid of committing the mistake of getting angry at the person you want to help you. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, because not everybody is the same. Some people are intimidated and do as you say. Some get angrier and throw you out or call the police. On the off chance that they might be intimidated, you let yourselves get angry.

There you go. You just realized that if you are not afraid of making a mistake, courage and success will be yours.