Monday, October 12, 2009

The Trinity of human groups

After lots of thinking, I came up with a model to explain whatever people as groups do to each other, whether or not they are aware of their collective consequences.

I define three entities: the Ruled, the Ruling and the Unruled entities. Remember that these are ever-changing. (Nilekani moved from the Unruled to the Ruling entity.)

Most people like jailed criminals, taxpayers, children, servants, government employees, the army, navy and airforce and many more which I am sure I missed fall into the Ruled category. This entity is where everybody's self lies. Whenever an individual is by himself, irrespective of his actual entity (the Ruled, the Ruling or the Unruled entity), his mental self falls into the Ruled entity. When he cannot clearly identify a particular entity to associate with, God becomes the unity of the three entities and the individual recognizes his self as part of all these three entities. But let us not get into individual spirituality during a discussion about collective human interactions.

The Ruling category is the one that people tend to think about whenever they openly discuss their collective problems and hold the entity responsible. They are the one who have to solve their problems. One should never forget that one rule does not govern all sections of people and no rule is universal or ever-lasting. Rules are ever-changing with time and space. The Legal authority falls into the Ruling entity.

Interestingly, the Unruled entity of human collection is where the most change and exciting action takes place. This is what should be truly held responsible from within, but alas, it is not the case so often. Otherwise, what would be the fun in social life? Anyway, the Unruled entity is comprised of groups like the drug market, the entire sales/corporate market, civilian entertainment, social reformers and crazy people, newspapers and media, agents of change and awareness like leaders and ghosts of fame past, unrestrained criminals, etc. Ideally, this is what people should listen to and hold responsible directly, but with collective self-restraint. But as per my observation, most "holding responsible" happens not directly between the Ruled and the Unruled, but almost always through the Ruling entity. The flipside to the Unruled entity is that enormous sacrifice is needed on the part of the Unruled, whether it is before or after they face the consequences of their actions.

This collective interactions give rise to a need for a common language, culture and normality. What one should particularly note is that the individual understanding of what is "normal" arises from these collective interactions.

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