Saturday, May 02, 2009

Love and Attachment

Consider a fishnet whose four corners are fixed, but the fishnet itself is free to move up and down, like a large piece of cloth. It can be interpreted as an unrooted tree in Graph Theory. Pick a vertex, and then pull it up using two fingers. The entire fishnet will rise, but not all the vertices rise at the same speed, or to the same height. The force you use to pull the fishnet up is your Motivation, and you give your own Direction to that single vertex you are holding. Using Newton's Third Law, you can say that the fishnet also pulls you down with the same force. But, what keeps you going is your Motivation.

This fishnet is your Life. The vertices nearest to your vertex are your friends and family, and it's your responsibility to keep going despite all drag, and you will actually begin to notice that it's not just you that's moving forward, it's also your entire network. The force that pulls them along with you is called Unselfish Love, and the force that pulls you back is called Attachment. If you want to prove the world wrong, your Love, coupled with Motivation, has to overcome the sum of your Selfish Love and all Attachments in Life.

1 comment:

  1. Are you reading the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna?
