Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The importance of humanization


Read this article about humanization and de-humanization. It explains why negotiation with the "bad guys" is important. It explains why it's extremely important to see their human side.

I have an idea, a vague idea about a hypothetical talk show:

The President/Prime minister (P) versus a supporter of harsh action against the "bad guys" (S)

P: Take this philanthropist X. do you think he loves this work?
S: Yes
P: Take this normal guy/your relative/you/. do you think he loves his wife/children?
S: Yes
P: Take this drug user/acquitted murder suspect/similar personality. Do you think he loves his family?
S: Yes
P: This character X: do you think he does? X must be a person whose activities must be in controversy that have never been proved/disproved.
Do you think he does?
S: Yes, I know where you're going.
P: I am glad you're intelligent enough to know/not stupid enough not to know.
Now , take this Guantanamo bay detainee who was falsely detained. Do you think he does?
S: Yes
P: Take this convicted felon - do you think he does?
S: Yes
P: Do you think this convicted terrorist does?
S: Yes
P: So, you agree that all these people have a human side and are capable of experiencing both positive and negative human emotions and rational thought?
S: Yes
P: So, what makes you think they are not open to negotiation, logical arguments and rational discussion?

The character of S looks very dumb here, while most S's are very clever or they argue like one.

This piece needs a lot more work for a final draft to come out, but i may never have that time in my life, so, this might be it :)

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