Friday, October 03, 2008

Limiting language

The protagonist in the movie "Smart People" says, at one point, "We respond to literary texts using precisely the same fundamental interpretive categories as authors and poets use to create them. So there's no need to posit any kind of unstable ontology or ruptured consciousness."

I thought that was an excellent comment on literature and the work of literary critics. Do you understand what that means?

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Shallowness and forgiveness?

What is the relationship between the two? Are you shallow if you can't forgive someone? Are you deep if you are understanding? Are you shallow if you are selfish? Are you deep if you are selfless? When it comes to things that matter, will you trust people, even if you know you will be hurt? Is that plain carelessness, or omniscience? You are your own judge. Nobody knows you as well as yourselves.

Your opposition

Your opposition is essential for your existence. It keeps you in control. It helps you learn right and wrong. It proves that you know nothing. It proves that you know everything. Without it, you will wallow in ignorance. Without it, you will turn into a pig. It hurts you to help you. Nice concept, isn't it?

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Love, trust and life

It's very easy to love someone. You don't have to do anything, just give them what they want. Be happy that they are happy. If you can't, just tell them you love yourselves more than you love them. But, is it easier or harder to trust someone than to love someone? You don't need to know anything about that person to love them. It could just as well be Endorphins and Dopamine rushing through their receptors. It takes more to trust a person. It takes reciprocation to trust them. It takes knowledge to trust them. It takes experience, happiness and suffering with them, their past and their present, their reaction to truth and lies, their understanding and their love to trust them. It takes both your lives to trust them.

And yet, you can never know anyone enough to trust someone. Nobody is perfect, which means you can only trust people on a limited basis. Don't be scared, but be cautious. Be daring, but don't be stupid. Mistakes are only as grave as the consequences they cause. You can never know what's going to happen. Do the best you can, do what you think is right. That's what everybody does - what they think is right.

There exists no eternal truth. Even if it does, it's beyond reason and rationality. There will always be people who will need proof, and are fearful of belief. There will always be people who will believe, and eschew reason. As long as there are humans in this universe, there will be variance and difference. It takes just one person for differences to exist - you. There need not even be someone else to argue with you. You can be your own hindrance, your own conscience. You are the master, and you are the slave. You are the engine, and you are the car. You are the fuel and you are the exhaust.

What you do with what people do to you, depends on you. What people do to you depends on what you do. The world is centered around you. The world is within you. That's duality. A particular flavor of duality.


To the hunter, prey gives happiness. To the sailor, reaching his destination gives happiness. Who are you and what gives you happiness?